Tuesday, January 17, 2012



For dough:
Maida / All purpose flour : 3 cups
Butter : ½ cup
Oil : ¼ cup
Sugar : 2-3 tbsp’s
Cooking Soda : ½ tsp
For Syrup:
Sugar : 1 and half cup
Water : Approx. ¾ cup


In a bowl mix maida, butter, oil, sugar, cooking soda and make it a soft dough by adding water as required. Keep it aside for an hour. For the sugar syrup in a heavy bottomed vessel take the sugar and ¾ cup of water or as required to just cover the sugar in the vessel. Put it on a medium flame and keep stirring continuously till you form two thread consistency syrup and keep it on the lowest possible flame while we prepare the badhushah’s with the dough. Divide the dough into small balls. Flatten them a little and make a small dimple in the middle. Deep fry these badhushah’s in oil on a medium flame till you get a golden brown color. Once they change color remove from oil and immediately put them into hot sugar syrup. Let them sit in sugar syrup for about 5-10mins and then you can store them in a air tight container.

Note: It is important that the sugar syrup is hot while you drop the fried badushah’s in it. Make sure to start preparing the sugar syrup just 10mins before you start frying the badhushah’s. This way badhushah’s absorb sugar syrup easily.

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