Friday, January 13, 2012

Sunnundalu (Urad Dal Laddoo)


Urad Dal (Black gram) : 2 cups
Raw rice : 2 tsps
Powdered Sugar : 2 cups (you may increase or decrease according to your taste)
Ghee : As required to make laddoo’s


Dry roast Urad dal and raw rice on medium flame till it is golden brown. Make sure not to burn them. Remove from flame and allow it to cool. Once it is cool grind it to a fine to mild coarse powder. Transfer this to a bowl and add the powdered sugar, mix it well. To this add warm melted ghee little by little unitl you form a consistency to make laddoo’s. Store them in a air tight container.

Note: Do not skip adding raw rice while frying. By adding raw rice you don’t have urad dal sticky in the mouth while eating.

1 comment:

  1. The tip of adding raw rice is very unique. I tried the same while preparing Sunnundalu and it really does not stick while eating. Congos...!
