Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chegodilu (Rice flour rings)


Rice Flour : 3 cups
Sesame Seeds : 3 tsps
Butter : ¼ cup
Ajwain seeds : 1tbsp
Salt : To taste
Chilly Powder : 1 tsp (adjust)
Oil : To deep fry


Mix rice flour, sesame seeds, butter, ajwain seeds, chilli powder, salt. Make this a soft dough by adding boiling water as required. Cover this dough with a wet cloth and keep it aside for 15mins. After 15mins knead this dough well. Grease your palms with oil and take a small ball from the dough and roll into a 2inch rope. Then join both the ends like a ring. Prepare rest of the dough in the same way and deep fry them in oil on medium flame till they change to golden brown colour. Store them in a air tight container.

Note: Do not crowd the frying pan, instead fry them in batches so that they don’t stick to each other.

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