Sunday, January 8, 2012

Eggless Chocolate Coffee Cake


Plain flour / All purpose flour : 1 and half cup
Powdered Sugar : 1 and half cup (may adjust according to your taste)
cocoa powder (unsweetened) : 4 tbsp's 
bicarbonate of soda : 1 tsp
Baking powder : 1 tsp
Salt : 1 tsp
Coffee (1tablespoon instant coffee powder mixed with 1 cup of cold water) : 1 cup
Vegetable oil : 1/3 cup
White vinegar : 2 tbsp's
Vanilla extract : 2 tsp's


Sieve Plain flour, powdered sugar, Cocoa Powder, Salt, Soda Bicarbonate and baking powder together in a bowl. Combine the wet ingredients and stir into the flour mixture. Pre-heat the oven at 350 F (175 C). Pour the cake mixture into a baking tray and bake it for 30-35mins. Let it rest for 10mins before taking it out of the tray as the cake may be delicate while hot. Once it cools down you can layer it with chocolate frosting and can decorate it according to your choice.

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